Maison populaire, Montreuil, 2013


Basement melodies

With an almost archaeological desire to exhume this repressed, neglected or simply forgotten part of official history, certain artists become the intercessors—as much as the guarantors—of a “minor” knowledge, praxis, viewpoint or event. This knowledge sharing here constitutes the point of emergence of a political and/or fictional policy, or even a form of poetic resistance.

“Basement Melodies” encompasses a set of proposals which shed light on, feature, or bring back to the surface snippets of stories in which popular music and vernacular forms of expression grapple with a reality that is not only cultural, but social and political, too.

The exhibition venue here appears like a “refuge” from which words and the power of utterance seem to gradually emerge, with the featured works thus revealing or reviving—although only temporarily — “a secret history of the twentieth century”.

16 January - 30 March 2013
Laëtitia Badaut-Haussmann, Jeremy Deller, Ruth Ewan, Nate Harrison, Mikhail Karikis & Uriel Orlow, Allen Ruppersberg

Curators :

Anne-Lou Vicente, Raphaël Brunel & Antoine Marchand

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